Operation SAVE the Earth - Fighting against the Fukushima nuclear disaster

The 4-Steps Round Up 11.28.2014

Photo by Teppei Sato  The nuclear bad guys are trotting out there same old dog and pony show to justify their dino-tech this week.  The dying US Navy first responders from Operation Tomodachi and thyroid stricken kids in Chiba are not impressed.  Here are the highlights, step-by-step: STEP 1. EDUCATE & SAFEGUARD A second death […]

The 4-Steps Round Up 11.21.2014

Photo by Teppei Sato Recession in Japan means Abenomics is tanking and so are the PM’s approval numbers.  That’s good for us because between the earthquakes, the increase in thyroid ‘anomolies’ and the Wall Street thugs who THINK nuclear is making a comeback, what we need is REAL leadership for the people, not the $$$.  […]

The 4-Steps Round Up 10.10.2014

Photo by Teppei Sato This week in #Fukushima news, the TEPCO road show continues as victims of the disaster begin to pile up like the bags of decontaminated dirt left on the side of the road in Japan.  Here are the highlights, step-by-step: Step 1: Educate & Safeguard One of the things I take to […]

The 4-Steps Round Up 10.03.2014

PHOTO BY TEPPEI SATO This week in #Fukushima news, the TEPCO road show continues as victims of the disaster begin to pile up like the bags of decontaminated dirt left on the side of the road in Japan.  Here are the highlights, step-by-step: Step 1: Educate and Safefuard USS Ronald Reagan sailors got hit with […]

The 4-STEPS round up 09.26.2014

(PHOTO BY: Teppei Sato) This week in #Fukushima news, protests and controversy dominated the news wires as the continuing nuclear nightmare in Japan persists.  Here are the highlights, step-by-step: Step 1: Educate and Safeguard Fewer than 300 fuel assemblies remain in the heavily damaged reactor #4 spent fuel pool.  This is the best news coming […]

As evacuation designated areas shrink, so are options for Fukushima evacuees

Since the start of the catastrophe in Fukushima on March 2011, areas designated for evacuation due to radiation levels have been redrawn on maps countless time, with a complete disregard for the safety, (physical and mental) of its residents. The ongoing contamination keeps on spreading, regardless of little circles or “invisible frontiers” being pushed back […]

Japan extends the Fukushima clean-up deadline to 2017

Plans to decontaminate six towns and villages close to Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant have to be delayed by up to three more years, officials say. CLICK for more Courtesy of BBC News

The government could still save lives

Nuclear expert witness Arnie Gundersen discusses Fukushima’s radioactive fallout Courtesy of Japan Times

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