Operation SAVE the Earth - Fighting against the Fukushima nuclear disaster

The 4-STEPS round up 09.26.2014

(PHOTO BY: Teppei Sato) This week in #Fukushima news, protests and controversy dominated the news wires as the continuing nuclear nightmare in Japan persists.  Here are the highlights, step-by-step: Step 1: Educate and Safeguard Fewer than 300 fuel assemblies remain in the heavily damaged reactor #4 spent fuel pool.  This is the best news coming […]

Hard numbers about Fukushima Daiichi from Veterans Today, the military and foreign affairs journal

Fukushima’s Melted Reactors 500 Days On

Dr. Helen Caldicott presents even more common sense about what radioactive fallout from Fukushima does and calls US out to get off our butts and change the tide.  

CDC: Whooping cough rising at alarming rate in US

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