Operation SAVE the Earth - Fighting against the Fukushima nuclear disaster

The 4-Steps Round Up 10.31.2014

Photo by Teppei Sato

Between the uranium hexaflouride release at the Honeywell plant in Illinois that no one is talking about (except us) and sexy Ebola containment costumes, it was a scary week indeed!  This week in #Fukushima news, justice for the USS Ronald Reagan sailors becomes real but college kids from #Fukushima meet another hurdle courtesy of TEPCO.  Here
are the highlights, step-by-step:

Step 1: Educate & Safeguard
The sailors for the USS Ronald Reagan caught a break this week.  Nuclear Hotseat host Libbe HaLevy brings us the latest.  https://www.facebook.com/libbe.halevy/posts/10205168641476826?fref=nf&pnref=story

Step 2: Evacuate #Fukushima NOW
Evacuated from Fukushima and going to college?  Cheapskate TEPCO wants their money back.

Step 3: Control & Contain
Reactor 1 dismantling at Fukushima Daiichi not going smoothly thus far, thx to INEPTCO!  http://fukushima-diary.com/2014/10/tepco-accidentally-destroyed-part-reactor-1-cover-dismantling-preparation/

Step 4: Nuclear Power is OVER 
Nuclear energy wouldn’t exist without nuclear weapons.  Abby Martin asks why they’re necessary at all on this segment of Breaking the Set.

Hey FukuFighters!  This time of year is always about reflection and celebration of our collective hard work.  Take the time you need for yourself every day to rest and recharge.  The big push ahead is going to need you at your best.

GO TO Operation SAVE the Earth on Facebook or www.operationsavetheearth.com for more details

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